Speakers 2024

Janice Wills

Janice Wills

Janice lives with her husband, Chris, on their small farm in Wairoa, Northern Hawkes Bay. They have been married for 42 years and have raised and homeschooled their eight children. Six of their children are now married and Janice enjoys being Nana to 20 grandchildren. As they enter a new season of life, Janice embraces the opportunity of encouraging Home-schooling Mums, speaking, reading, crafting and being together with her family and friends.

“Strength for Today and Great Hope for Tomorrow.”

Homeschooling offers us the opportunity to do something more than we could ever imagine. As we step out in obedience to Him, asking for strength for each day, He fills us with a hope that continues to grow for our children and for tomorrow. God is in control and He is doing a great work.

Penelope Foote

Penelope Foote

Penelope Foote lives on a farmlet in Northland with her husband, David. They have five adult children and twenty-one grandchildren, plus a first great-grandchild.

Penelope home-schooled her four oldest children for a few years before sending them back to school when she had her fifth child. This decision had ongoing repercussions which the family has had to deal with ever since. When her fifth child reached school age, she determined to never send her to school, no matter how poorly she felt she was doing with teaching her child.

These days, Penelope helps three of her children who are now home-schooling their own children. She teaches various grandchildren guitar, ukulele, violin, and singing.

She feels very strongly about the need to guard families against the increasing assaults from the world with its anti-God policies and agendas.

During some very difficult times in her mothering years, Penelope began a Book of Hope. She will bring the book, and share some of the stories in it of how God encouraged her over those years. Singing some of the songs she wrote at that time, and reading a few of the poems and letters she received, she will encourage us all to ‘hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’


This is our YouTube channel –homewoodstoves.co.nz – seeing as how I am Mrs Homewood! Other than that, I don’t have any social media account.

Now hope does not disappoint because of the love of God poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.